First I used axe
After some cries
At last he fell
Then I started peeling his skin
Agony made him shinier.
I took him to a mill
He must have been scared
As he reached there
He stumbled, fell and tumbled
I got hold of him, firmly
And pushed him beneath the big blade
Cleverly, I kept song of saw high
No one could hear
His heart rending cries
Thereafter, with a plane
I started trimming his obesity
(I had, long ago, become indifferent
to his painful complaining cries)
His inner, nervous system appeared with a glow
I gathered his limbs
Nailed them together
Covered their nakedness with a bed sheet
And slept on it.
I am a philanthropist
Look tree!
I have freed you
From the filth of birds
Who would build their nests on your shoulders
Would chirrup noisily to make your head whirl
I freed you from pester of squirrels
Who would take your body
As streets, lanes, alleys besides
I saved you from ants which
Gnawed and gnawed your body, your vitals.
My great obligation to you
Yes, great obligation
You had only one leg to stand
I have given you four.
Translated by Jayant Relwani and B.N.PanwarI have understood You, Boss!JoyrideFirst Day in School