(for Pearse Hutchinson & Martin Mooij)
Can poets change the world?
or is it more like an ocean?
says more about its author:
his first one or his last?
that is found in the newspaper
that is not found in the newspaper?
between a poem with a title
and a poem without a title
before its time runs out?
bring the dead back to life?
does a poem about cats have?
What possibilities are there
that one had to learn by heart?
or are they transferable?
When, at the very latest,
if it doesn’t want to risk
be produced artificially?
if one still has to drive?
“please delete what does not apply”?
in order to be forbidden?
are there any reserves of poems
Translated by Sujata Bhatt from GermanI Feel SorryAbout PoemsAbout Readers